Purim: Costume Update


In my recent post about Purim, I neglected one of the most important pieces of information: please come in costume.

As we discussed in our book group discussion of Esther last night, the original story turns on hidden and mistaken identities.  Out of that grew the minhag (custom) of coming in costume.  So – come dressed as your favorite movie character, politician or character in the Purim story.  Or anything else clever that you can dream up.

Here’s a reminder about our commitment to Shalva (www.shalvaonline.org) as our “matanot l’evyonim (“gifts to those in need”) recipient this year:  Shalva is a Chicago-area organization which provides counseling and support free of charge for Jewish women and children who are victims of domestic abuse.  Please bring a check in any amount made out to “Shalva” and we will forward it to them.

See you then.  And remember: be happy, it’s Adar (the Hebrew month in which Purim falls)!

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